Just Another Blog

Archive for juli, 2006

Not much new happening ..

juli 25th, 2006. Published under Vacation. No Comments.

except we are currently fixing our apartment, and that takes a little time off course. Have one weeks vacation coming up Friday, i cant wait :) Other than that, work is work, and its boring :|

Did get to play a little WoW though, it keeps me alive .. hehe

Vacation over ..

juli 17th, 2006. Published under Vacation, Work. No Comments.

again. Ended up getting sunburns, so i guess its all good. Nothing much happening in the near future, apart from fixing a lot of small details in out appartment. This will take some time, and since im wokring dayshifts, it will have to been in the evening and weekends :/

Finally .. i got them ..

juli 2nd, 2006. Published under Work. No Comments.

my money that is, they money that my employer have been holding back for far too long .. the whole story is explained here, and now, just before this weekend, they money finally showed up on my account! Took them long enough! Perhaps its about time i started getting that drivers license now =)