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Archive for 'Video'

2024 Egypt, Hurghada

juni 8th, 2024. Published under Diving, Friends, Vacation, Video. No Comments.

Små ti år siden sidste indlæg, og det er da heller ikke fordi der skal til at være en voldsom aktivitet her. Det var efterhånden bare lidt trættende altid at se det forrige opslag med alle de Reborn Raw billeder fra 2014 – selvom det var gode minder ;)
Så det blev en lille tur til Egypten som en “combi tur”, dels for at se en vens hotel, dels for at komme på tur med 3 kammerater – 2 af dem som jeg havde med på Honduras i 2009 – og den 3. en som jeg har kendt siden jeg var knægt, som faktisk også dykkede uafhængigt af os på Honduras omkring samme tid.

Så det blev til en “dyk & druk” tur på Caves Beach Resort i Hurghada, samt lidt dyk hos I et forsøg på at forevige det så det samtidig er nemt lige at vende tilbage til, har jeg samlet en lille video af undervands delen fra turen, det er der kommet denne video ud af:

Reborn Raw – Prison Escape, Horsens

oktober 29th, 2014. Published under Video, Workout. 2 Comments.

After participating in the opening race of Reborn Raw, near Lederborg castle back in September on the 10 kilometer distance. I was convinced to try out the 20 kilometer distance as well.

So I signed up for the Reborn Raw Prison Escape Horsens 2014 Vol. 3 race, 20 kilometers, 39 obstacles. I knew it would be a challenge, since my longest run ever was 12,7 kilometers 9 days before Reborn Raw. I decided to give it a go, hoping that my fitness level due to cross-fit, was high enough to get me through.

I would say it was, as we completed the 20 kilometer course 2 minutes faster than i did the 10 kilometer run in September. This time 6 boys running where as in Roskilde we were 4 boys and 4 girls.

I was actually quite shocked that we did it in 1:56, especially since we never ran faster or gave ourselves more, that we were able to talk while running. I’m very proud of our effort, but at the same time a little bit disappointed that we didn’t give the extra 10% we probably had, and got a “killer time”!

Finish time: 1:56:51 (67 out of 183 competitors) – again, I’m very proud of this :-)

This time around, i had borrowed a Go Pro camera from a neighbour, which was chest-mounted, so i have somewhat 1 hour and 20 minutes of video that needs editing ( kind of boring watchinga dude running for an hour. It has been edited down to this.

Other than that theres a few pictures in Reborn Raw gallery here below.

More info on the particular race can be found here.

Battlefield 3 just beat Modern Warfare 3

august 16th, 2011. Published under Gaming, Video. No Comments.

its a provocative titel. I personally dont belive the two games/franchies are even close to competing, as BF delivers a less “rail-gun”-like experience with a tighter and much more social community. Where as CoD series, to me, ever since CoD2 choose the console side as a primary dedication with matchmaking, rail-shoting with small tight CQB maps.

Today EA/DICE revealed a Multiplayer trailer from the upcoming game, Battlefield 3. It takes place on the map Caspian Border, and shows 64 player action with jets, tanks, humvees and infantry. It will be massive!

Also enjoy the PS3 BF3 CO-OP video

And if you want to see the whole BF3 part of the EA Pressconference, check out this video.