Just Another Blog

Vista & Coppermine!

februar 20th, 2007. Published under Software, Vacation. 6 Comments.

I just ordered Windows Vista Ultimate Edition… sweet, cant wait till i get it. Currently i am uploading all the Thailand images to a coppermine gallery, that takes time, and ill fine tune a lot of it, and add descriptions to most of the pictures as well (VERY time consuming).

Also, I am starting to rewrite the whole “story” about our trip to Thailand. It will be there in English and Danish when i am done, i hope/guess. I hope I’m done before Vista gets here, otherwise itll probably be delayed another few days :)


betrayal  on februar 21st, 2007

amwg !! dont get vista then and post ur travel stories!!! :D good to hear u had a good time !!

betrayal  on februar 21st, 2007

: > readed ur mails on the thailand page, and i understand all except the line: for derefter at sluttet af med at “dunke” det sidste massage ind i en! !

Teh rest was teh eass to read!! Dk is like swedish imo

Knuspar  on februar 21st, 2007

Basically .. instead of “dunke” you could say the beat the last massage into you :S

And yeah, danish and swedish is very much like eachother :)

betrayal  on februar 21st, 2007

:D:D w00t finally a dk that admits it!! Dyt always is like: NOo swe is stupid, and not close to the same :>

But mm : ) just wanted to say hii mostly and did that now!

Just a last add :D i miss a button on the right, that brings me back to the news(main) page. Would make it easier (yes could press back in browser, but still ::P)

Anywayz! Cuuu

Knuspar  on februar 21st, 2007

Just press the banne on the top of the page .. it “redirects” to the front page ;)

Well .. danes, including me arent too found of admitting danish is similar to swedish, mainly because most swedes are idiots :D Theres exceptions with everything though :)

You coming to Denmark anytime soon?

betrayal  on februar 22nd, 2007

:D:D hehe ok didnt notice the banner :> works good idd :D

And true about swedish! They are idiots : still playin with dyt/xi … just unemployed mostly of the time upto now , so need to make some money for teh car befoer then :P

I like ur blog btw! got work a few days, and at least i can do something here now :D