Just Another Blog

Archive for september, 2008

I survived, walked away without a scratch!

september 27th, 2008. Published under Car. No Comments.

Fuck, shit, crap, holy mother of god, dammit .. a lot of those words went through my head in the seconds from i realized i was going to crash.

I was driving on the superhighway after a night dive with my spear gun, and suddenly something jumped out in front of me, i think it was a deer. I yanked the car to the left, then my left wheel set was in the rabate, and i counter steered a bit too rough, and within a split second i was sideways on the superhighway with a speed of ~110 km/h and the car started rolling. I THINK i was doing like 6-7 rounds before the car was “parked” upside down on a hilltop with me hanging upside down.

Somehow i manged to stay calm, and get out of the car, pull all my belongings and dive gear out of the car. Then i called around to get someone to pick me up, and after 5 minutes a kind taxi driver stopped and came to see if i was okay, he helped me pull some stuff out of the car and took me into hes taxi to get warm while waiting for a friend i called for.

Within the seconds i rolled, i got to think over my life, good bad all that stuff .. and somehow i feel incredibly changed because of these 10 seconds of insane action last night.

I took some pictures of the car ( dont really know why i did that ), you can see them here below.

I just want to add .. life is fucking great, enjoy it while it lasts!

Update: I added another bunch of pictures from earlier today when i was out picking up my last few belongings from the wreck.

Update2: Parents came by today, so i get to dive the car, and we went to the crash site , and after seeing it, i feel even luckier, from what i could see the car had mowed down 2 x 10 inch think poles on the top of the hill, and the 3rd pole stopped the car from rolling further. Its just incredible that i was able to walk away from this accident. Its somehow hard to belive i was actualyl in the damned car when it happend.

I feel like sharing this awesome song/video that i heard a few weeks ago, today it REALLY makes sense to me! Play it .. listen .. enjoy .. and viva la vida from me ;)

Far Cry 2 release is getting closer

september 25th, 2008. Published under Gaming. No Comments.

and i just cant wait! Especially not after having seen a few in game videos from this upcoming game.

Also, i read this article on IGN, about The First Five Hours. Here a nifty countdown for its release :D

Far Cry 2 at IGN

Google Chrome BETA

september 13th, 2008. Published under Software. 2 Comments.

So, i have been using it as an alternate browser at work ever since release day, and at work it seems to work just fine for my needs there. All i use it for is a little websurfing, etc. so thats just fine.

Here on my home computer though, i have gotten so used to some very nice plugins in Firefox that its almost impossible for me to accept Google Chrome as it is.

It is BETA software, im aware, but some of the very nice features id like to see (read plugins) would be syncing bookmarks with Foxmarks, that might be a bit unrealistic, since that was designed for Firefox, but i do NOT want to install google toolbar just to be able to sync my bookmarks.

Another thing i belive thats missing is something that blocks ads, i couldent care less if certain sites live on ad money, they can open up to donations instead. There is, in my opinion, enough ads in daily life as it is already.

Though, i have to admit that the speed of Google Chrome, despite me using FasterFox plugin for Firefox, is far superior to Firefox, and IE6/7 for that matter!

Then theres the compatability with Java, it seems i can only get my netbanking ( ) working when using a late beta of the newest Java. Again, Google Chrome is still just BETA, so things will probably change.