Just Another Blog

Archive for oktober, 2010

I now have a son, and then some =)

oktober 10th, 2010. Published under Diving, House, Kids, Pictures. No Comments.

phew, its been a while since my last update, but so many things have been going on, that i somehow neglected my own blog/webpage.

However, lots of things have happened. First and foremost, on 24th september we were given a son, we are going to name him Christian. He was 51 centimeters “long” and weighed 3680 grams at birth. My daughter Julie is very proud of him, and after she got over the first bit of jealousy, shes quite happy about him.

Our house, bought febuary 2009, is a story in it self, and i will post a very long and detailed explanation about the whole issue once were settled back home. A short summary though, there was a small dent in the living room floor, that we contacted the insurance company about, and now we live temporarily in an apartment while the whole house gets cleaned from a sever mold infection =/ The cool thing is, we will get an improved house to move back into in a good week from now. Below you will find a few selected pictures from the process of rebuilding the house. I will make another post with pictures and video from the whole process once were moved back home.

On the personal side, i have picked up running. I decide one night to do SOMEthing, so i just did it! I found an app called Nike + GPS on the Appstore and downloaded it to my iPhone4, and then i took off running. 2,36 painfull kilometers later i had my first run for years behind me.
Since then i picked up the pace, and just today i did a 5 kilometer run with a average speed of 4 minutes 59 seconds pr. kilometer which was one of my goals. The reason i started running was because i did not exercise enough, and so i decided to set myself some goals, some with a time limit and some without. So, here for all to view are a list of goal ( will add them to a side bar shortly after this post ) that i have set for my self.

  • Run 5K on a regular basis
  • Run 10K faster than 60 minutes
  • Run a half marathon
  • Do a 5 minutes static breath hold
  • Run a marathon!

Feel free to follow my running over on my profile.

Well, it started out pretty standard with me wanting to loose weight, which is the main reason along with me getting fit enough to do long breathholds, which again leads to me doing more freediving. I want to get some depth on my freediving as well, but first of all, theres hardly any places near me where there is sufficent depth to call it deep. So thats on hold for the time beeing.