Just Another Blog

Archive for 'Diving'

More SCUBA diving

juni 28th, 2011. Published under Diving. No Comments.

Went off for a dive with a buddy from the local diving club. We went to a place referede to as “Nato molen”
The log for the dive can be found on my Dive log page, or via this direkt link.

Here are the selected few from that dive, no editing what so ever.

Nothing like a morning dive!

juni 23rd, 2011. Published under Diving. No Comments.

Went off for a dive with a buddy from the local diving club. I should honestly do that more often.
The log for the dive can be found on my Dive log page, or via this direkt link.

I also brought my camera and shot a bit of the underwater world :)

Its been a while..

juni 2nd, 2011. Published under Diving, Kids, Tattoo. No Comments.

nothing fancy happend, except I realised that you dont have all the time in the world when youre a father of two :)

I got my dive log updated, that is, the pdf files they link to are the correct ones, the desciptions however are missing. For some stupid reason i belived i could remember all details, but the dives were in may 2009, and thats just too long ago :)

Also, theese dives are only my recreational dives, i dont bother to start logging my commercial dives electronically. They are kept in my log bok as they are suppose to.

I got some new hardware as well, so the hardware page has been updated as well to be current.

Other than that I have refound the love of tattooing. So im geting loads of “needle-time”, I just got a custom sleeve back from a spanish artist i asked to design me a diving related sleeve. I will post pictures as i get sessions done.

Here below are some pictures of the latest ones :)

The stars arent done yet, as there needs to be added a few smaller ones and some starfog as well.

And for thoose having a hard time reading english script, it sats Christian and Julie on my calfs.
