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Archive for 'Video'

Battlefield 3 Alpha Test Part 2

juli 30th, 2011. Published under Gaming, Video. No Comments.

So, the Alpha test have been underway for some days now, however theres still a NDA in effect.

However, that does not forbid me to say that its a bit slow progress in the stage of fixing things. The Alpha is suppose to end august 1. and then, afaik, they will take all the input they got and prepare for open beta later this year.

There has been a bunch of small bugfixes, but again, the purpose of this closed Alpha is to test server side things.

Theres a few things suggested thats not currently in the alpha, that are kind of need to have if you ask me. The biggest thing is that there would have to be several gamemode, like casual/normal/hardcore, so it would be a crowd please no where you looked.

Time will tell, till then enjoy this official FPS montage of metro station maps in rush mode. The only map and mode currently in the alpha.

Commercial Diver

april 11th, 2010. Published under Diving, Pictures, Video, Work. 2 Comments.

Some months ago i quit my old IT job, and decided to try something completely different. So i startede on commercial diving school Safe Air and i just recently completed the surface supplied course along side Nitrox course. So now I am now a Commercial Diver Class A+B+C with Nitrox according to IDSA standards.

Here below are some pictures from the education, which have been very evolving for me personally as well. I got to overcome things i was more or less scared of before. For instance i think i have been cured of my claustrophobia. I have also fallen even more in love with diving, which i found hard to belive at first was possible, but it is :

Running around, literally, on the sea bed with a helmet working your ass of is just so fantastic a feeling. Must be the closest thing you can come to feel like the astronauts on the moon felt when running around partially weightless!

Click the thumbnails here below to see the various videos.

CoCoView was absolutly amazing

maj 20th, 2009. Published under Diving, Friends, Pictures, Vacation, Video. 2 Comments.

So .. after a week in Denmark i think its about time to sum up the trip.

(Updated 4th June with video ( look just above the pictures further down))

As for the whole planning of the trip, were more than a year back, so the anticipation was certainly big enough. We all three had high hopes for this trip, as we had done our research in good time, and booked the rooms almost a year ahead ( you have to do that at CoCoView, its THAT popular!).

We started off in Copenhagen airport, discovering our plane was delayed for three hours. No big deal, since Thomas H got us in the business lounge so we could grab breakfast, beer & cognac! When it was time we stepped to the gate waiting for the boarding to begin, we just had a tiny “ritual” that needed to happen first .. which off course is, me (Thomas M ) being called by security to show them whats in my bag ( #%%#&”ยค” dive lamp! ) and so i did, causing another slight delay.

I think around 10 hours later we touched down in Atlanta, Georgia in the US. Hot weather but we liked it, after a few security checks we got our bags and headed to the hotel we booked, as we had to spend roughly 19 hours in Atlanta before takeoff towards Roatan, Honduras. We inspected the local Hooters, and we were happy about what we found :) Too bad for Henrik, he forgot hes picture ID at the hotel, so no beer for him!

The next morning, we boarded the plane without any hassle, and headed to Roatan island in Honduras. 2 hours and 45 minutes later we touched down on Roatan, we had a nice in flight with a clear sky so we could see the whole island as we approached, beautiful little island. We got of the plane, and the first thing we saw was every single staff in the airport wore masks! We laughed a bit, it was off course panic over the Influenza A ( formerly know as swine flu) so we had to sign a form before entering the country that we had not been near any with any symptoms .. etc.

Then we came in, and were greeted by CCV staff, who handled our bags, and told us to grab the CCV bus and the bags would follow us a bit later. Awesome, no more dragging around that 50 pound backpack! We drove for, i think, 20 minutes at we were at the CoCoView landing. We got on a small boat, that took us the last 5 minutes to the resort. The weather was perfect, clear sky, lots of sun and a little wind. We checked in, around 12.00 local time, and 1 hour later we were gearing up for a checkout dive, first timers to CCV have to do this, repeat visitors don’t have to, if they can recall the location of the chains etc. on the reef.

We had a nice checkout dive, due to US Customs hard handling of my bag, i brought a empty underwater housing for my camera with me, to make sure there were no leaks. We had a fine dive, got to see the Prince Albert ( 140 foot wreck right in front of CCV ). After that we manged a few more dives that day before enjoying the nice buffet for supper. All food is served buffet style and theres plenty, and we found it very nice. Theres also a nice bar where you run a tab for the week, and they have a great local beer called Salva Vida, we have a few of those and headed off to bed because some of us wanted to get up early! Earlier that evening, we came to talk to two from Houston, Texas and he wanted to go on a night dive, and also he normally did a 5.30 morning dive. I was in for it, as i wanted as many dives as my dive computer would let me =)

Next morning i went in for the 0530 dive, came up around 1 hour later, and had a nice breakfast 0730 and 0830 we were sitting on our dive boat, where the DiveMaster and the Captain ( Kirk & Dave ) had already setup our gear! So we just had to jump in our wetsuit and we were good to go, first a boat dive out on the reef, then we got back on the boat, and gassed of for around 45 minutes, before switching tanks, and being dropped of on Newmans Wall on the way back. We surfaced from the drop off dive around 1145, just in time for lunch. After lunch, we relaxed for 1 hour, before heading to the boat again, which took off 1330 for another boat dive on another reef, 60 minutes later we surfaced and degassed for 45 minutes and got dropped of on our way back on the CoCoView Wall and again, 60 minutes later we surfaced around 1630 dropped off and rinsed our gear and headed for the bar. We would sit in the bar till 1830 where we grabbed supper, and the back to the bar till around 1950 then i would gear up for a night dive from 2000 till 2100, id be back at the bar around 2130 for a last few beers as the bar closed 2200 and then head to bed, because the next morning we jumped in at 0530 again.

And so passed a week .. it was heaven! Friday we stopped diving after 1200 as we had to leave the next day back to Denmark. In the evening there was a rum punch party with 4 gallons ( around 16 liters ) of rum punch, luckily for us, not many participated so after watching a pretty hot honduran woman dance with fire in chains, we started hammering down rum punch like we did nothing else, we lasted will around 2330 my guess is .. and headed to bed .. we were, i dare say, pretty damn drunk =)

Next morning, we got up and packed our stuff as we had to leave the resort around 0900. We got our tabs settled in the dive shop, the resort and we tipped our boat crew.

We were good to go home, not that we wanted to really .. i think we could have stayed for several weeks if we had the funding and work and all allowing it :) We had a pretty smooth flight from Roatan, to Atlanta, then 3 hours in transit before headed towards Paris, France just to switch to another plane towards Copenhagen. Again, in Paris, we had to do the Ritual, we were all on the plane, as i was called over the radio and this french security woman insisted i stepped off the plane as there was a issue with my bag.. *sigh* (%&#%% dive lamp!!!) I finally explained my self to a stewardess who went and talked to the Captain of the plane. He then came out as asked me about the lamp, shrugged and explained it to security, then asked for my permission for security to inspect my bag and i said, yes off course, 5 minutes later we were ready to head to Denmark, with me causing a 35 minute delay! Back in Denmark we said bye to Henrik ( who lives in Copenhagen ) and Thomas H and I went to ( Denmarks only .. ) Starbucks in the airport, and got a frapuchino to go, and headed for the train. Oh boy, problems with DSB (danish train company ) so we switched trains 4 times before ending up home in Grenaa with a ~3 hour delay .. i went to my daughters room and kissed her goodnight, and then took a shower and jumped to bed with my girlfriend and kissed her goodnight.

What a vacation! I would rate i 6 out of 5 stars to be honest! I’m am defiantly going back to CoCoView, the only real question is: When?

Update: We also recorded some video, both above and below. See them here:

Anyways, heres a small selection (60 out of 216) pictures that you can find below this text. The major gallery with all 216 pictures can be found here.