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Tag Archives: crossfit

Reborn Raw

september 7th, 2014. Published under Workout. 1 Comment.

After convincing myself that I have reached a sufficient fitness level, I decided to tag along with a bunch of guys and girls from my local Crossfit box for a obstacle run. Theres a new concept run, called Reborn Raw, supposedly the toughest obstacle race on the planet!

My furthest run ever is 10 kilometers, although that’s over two years ago, I decided to stick with the Vol 1. version of the run which is a 8-10 KM run. I really wanted to do the 18-20, but was too unsure if i could do it, so next time perhaps :D

The run was fun and challenging, with lots of running on slopes and nice challenging obstacles.

We came as a team, 8 of us from Grenaa, and we participated as a team, which felt great. I was a little bit disappointed when we came in with the time of 1:58 because it was only 10 kilometers, but as we found of the fastest on the 10 km track was 1:24, it was okay :-)

I did not bring anything to take pictures of track anything, so all i have is pictures and video from before and after. I did manage to catch two of the guys from the box during the first few minutes of the race.

I’m pretty proud to have completed it, and see it as another milestone on my journey from unfit 108 kilo lazy bastard towards where ever crossfit and willpower will take me, because I’m freakkin hooked ;)

Me after beeing Reborn RAW - and a cold shower :-)

Me after beeing Reborn RAW – and a cold shower :-)

Finish time: 1:58:46

More info on the race can be found here


juli 10th, 2014. Published under Workout. No Comments.

Back in January, i stepped up onto our weight and was chocked a the huge gain I have had the past years! In short, i was weighing a total of 108,3 kilograms! At a height of 184 centimeters, that’s quite a large BMI of 32.

I was chocked and decided to act upon it.

So i finally decided to tryout Cross Fit, and did I find what i was looking for? Oh yes. Although Cross Fit as such did not give me any significant weight loss, it came from putting myself on a diet. No more starch basically and no more weekend candy.

I’m now at 95,2 kilos with a BMI of 28,1, my fat percentage has dropped from 25,2% to 17,2% since early February, and I’m happy as hell. In fact my metabolic age dropped from 44 to 23.

So how did Cross fit do that to me?
I got motivated! In the sense that the people in our box, were helpful, open minded and not at all judging. Where I previously went to the local gym and you felt like looked down upon unless you were a bodybuilder look-a-like.

If you’re considering increasing your fitness, take two minutes to watch this video :-)

Feel free to follow my workouts. I write down all WODs and times down here, on my Workout page.

More on Crossfit (Wikipedia)