Just Another Blog

I quit wow

december 5th, 2006. Published under Gaming. 6 Comments.

Well, without writing an essay about it, i have put away world of Warcraft for good. The expansion, Burning Crusade, coming up soon, i decided to quit before it came, due to the sole fact, i cannot play the game hardcore, therefore i choose not to play.

I guess i quit on top, being guild master for the, at the time, leading alliance guild Ascendancy. Whom i have been with since level 43, sometime in February 2006, i guess you could say the majority or my spare time have been spend on that guild for the past 9 months.

What on earth to do with all this free time ?!? I don’t know really, i can hardly think of what i did before i started playing wow, i guess i spent all my time playing Battlefield 2 :) Stay tuned to keep updated :D If you give a fuck that is ;)

For more info on my “WoW history” check my this page.


Betrayal  on december 6th, 2006

A big miss for the whole wow community!! knuspar wil never be forgotten!!! Hopefully c u back @ tbc!!!

Knuspar  on december 8th, 2006

I most likely wont :)

Do not have any accounts left, and i don’t intend to waste money on one, i don’t feel like leveling a new char, and i still don’t have time to play hardcore. I don’t want to play casual/semi .. for me its hardcore or nothing =/

TY for your kind words though m8 ;) I still recall us as some of the best locks on Dentarg ;)

Lorean  on december 10th, 2006


Sad to see you you left,really.

oldmkm  on december 13th, 2006

i miss both of you, i was really lucky to have the chance to play with you, good luck in RL and all the best.

Heidi  on december 13th, 2006


Knuspar  on juli 2nd, 2007

Forum trolling is teh win, and its not WOW :D