Just Another Blog

Archive for december, 2006

Work – Reloaded!

december 11th, 2006. Published under Work. 3 Comments.

Im back in action it seems, on a roll an all that, so i decided to go “full out” working :)

Basically that means i’m accepting all the extra work that i am offered.

Thats good though, it will result in a bigger paycheck in the end, i get more work done, and i get a bit of time at work to work on this blog as well, currently i’m working on adding some nice stats, just becase i think its fun.

Also, just became the happy owner of domain ( not in use yet though ) dunno what it should be used for yet, perhaps a forum for all the oldschool hardcore gamers i have gotten to know during my “online career” :)

Stay tuned for more!

My december schedule (Not including my normal schedule which is normal dayshifts from 08.00 – 16.00)

Work work work & then some

december 8th, 2006. Published under Work. No Comments.

Tonight, theres a party, held by my company. Im not gonna participate though, due to several facts :) First of all, this year, we have to pay for this christmas party, and on top of that, they cancled our summer party next year as well =/

Regardless, i cant join even though i wanted to, since i choose to work saturday and sunday as well.. So next friday, when I’m off from work, i have had a 12 day working week, without any weekend. Poor me :)

I quit wow

december 5th, 2006. Published under Gaming. 6 Comments.

Well, without writing an essay about it, i have put away world of Warcraft for good. The expansion, Burning Crusade, coming up soon, i decided to quit before it came, due to the sole fact, i cannot play the game hardcore, therefore i choose not to play.

I guess i quit on top, being guild master for the, at the time, leading alliance guild Ascendancy. Whom i have been with since level 43, sometime in February 2006, i guess you could say the majority or my spare time have been spend on that guild for the past 9 months.

What on earth to do with all this free time ?!? I don’t know really, i can hardly think of what i did before i started playing wow, i guess i spent all my time playing Battlefield 2 :) Stay tuned to keep updated :D If you give a fuck that is ;)

For more info on my “WoW history” check my this page.