Just Another Blog

Today i quit my job!

august 21st, 2007. Published under Work. 3 Comments.

So, the day finally came, where i quit my job. I’m done with TDC, and there’s 1001 reasons to why, for one i can mention a old episode. I’m not going to elaborate further on it, not for now anyways :)

I’m currently just thrilled about starting on my new job, which is with NN Markedsdata, where I’m going to start 1st October.



Andy  on august 28th, 2007

På tide og tillykke TE!

Knuspar  on august 28th, 2007

takker Andy ;) how goes i din ende ? :)

Klaws  on september 13th, 2007

Yeah i’m so glad you finally made it out of their web!

Hopefully you will be as happy at your new job as i am at mine =)