Just Another Blog

Its a girl ! :D

september 4th, 2007. Published under Kids. 7 Comments.

Todays scan ( 20 week scan ) of our to be baby, showed it was a girl :D And everything was fine off course, so thats just perfect :D

Heres two pictures from the scan :) (None showing if its a girl or not, she did not print those pictures :))


Klaws  on september 4th, 2007

Gratz mate!

I’m so happy on your behalf! =D

Take care of your soon to be little family! =)

Jesper  on september 4th, 2007

Congratulations mate!

Lets hope she looks like her mother :D

No, im sure she will be the worlds most pretty little girl, next after mine off course. :)

Knuspar  on september 4th, 2007

Well, since I had a few dreams, telling me it was gonna be a boy, theres a few issues i have to re-think :)

The first, an obvious one is, I can’t really re-use the name i had for the boy, hehe.

The second one, would be inspiration from Jesper, so that i could have some poison dart frogs or something, which could come in handy when she becomes a teenager, and them darn boys start showing up ;)

Jesper  on september 4th, 2007

Here is what you need:
1 rifle (preferably one with optical sight)
A large amount of barbwire
Some landmines

That should do the trick.

Knuspar  on september 4th, 2007

A spear-gun will have to do for now :)

Klaws  on september 13th, 2007

Well.. if she will have your temper you’ve got nothing to worry about at all!

Louise  on december 15th, 2007

Hej Thomas og Louise.
Det er en rigtig god side i har jer her.
Vi glæder os på jeres vegne til i bliver forældre.
Held og lykke til jer alle.
God jul og godt nytår ønskes i af
Louise, Kim, Sara og Sofie.