Just Another Blog

Archive for januar, 2008

Im now a dad!

januar 25th, 2008. Published under Kids. 12 Comments.

Very short summary! Yesterday (24th January 2008) my girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful girl weighing 3210 grams and 50 centimeters long. A very pretty little one :) I’m with my girlfriend in the hospital until Monday, after that i will update with pictures of the little one :)

Also, the launch of our new family site is NOW :) From this day forth, everything related to our little family will be posted on http://www.sø so bookmark away. Also, http://www.sø is in danish :)

Og på dansk, som i ved er jeg blevet far, og dem som vil læse mere om fødslen og vores families videre liv, kan “følge” det på http://www.sø som er vores lille families nye websted. Det kommer til at foregå 100% på dansk, hvor denne side ( ) kommer til at fortsætte på engelsk :)

Update: Added pictures now on http://www.sø if you don’t have a plug in to convert æøå in urls, use this link:

Its closing in on me!

januar 20th, 2008. Published under Kids. 3 Comments.

Well, the topic makes it sound a lot worse than it is :) But there’s a few chapters in my life that’s gonna change shortly. Tuesday 22nd January, i have a drivers test, if i pass, i get my drivers license. (some would say 11 year s too late .. ) This will end a chapter in it self, as the process of taking the damned license was way to long for my liking. But it has to be done, as im about to embark on a journey into the unknown with my girlfriend .. as we are most likely only days from becoming parents. A thing that i, from friends and family, hear is the most fantastic experience you will ever have. I mean, not being able to drive a car with my pregnant girlfriend to the hospital when the time is due, would be downright catastrophic!

The passing week was also the first week where i went swimming again since i twisted my ankle :( It was a hard time swimming, as i discovered i was stiffer in my ankle than i expected. Oh well, more training will make it better. I’m expecting to become a regular guest in the swim stadium this year. Reason? Well, simple, i have been getting fatter and fatter over the past 5-6 year, and for the past few years, i have usually been a big heavier around Christmas then in the summer. But it has to change now, the past few days i have fallen over several pictures taken ~5 years ago. And i like who i looked back then better than now :( Also, my neoprene suit for diving wont fit all sizes :) And i really need to get dipping again.

Upcoming launch for a danish site/blog is immanent, as i know several from our family will prefer stuff written in danish about our baby :) More about that later :)

Kick Off !

januar 11th, 2008. Published under Friends, Work. 1 Comment.

Went to a kick of for the year 2008 with my new job. A day with some interesting speaker like Erik Veje Rasmussen and in the evening, we watched a handball match. Was quite a fun evening. Had alot of beer, and it was alot of fun :)