Just Another Blog

Diving video from Mashra Alam

april 10th, 2008. Published under Diving, Friends. 2 Comments.

Back in september 2007, i went to Egypt with three friends to dive. As we were there, we meet two other danes, who was there diving as well.

Anyways, long story short ( since i wrote about this earliere ) i recently re-discovered the website of thoose two other danes. And they made a video frmo their dives in Egypt. I thought id like to share the video with whomever reads my blog :)

Find the Mashra Alam video on this page

So, here is the video made by Tommy, whos website you can find here.

I really need to get in touch with them shortly, as i promised them a demonstrstion of my treble-light.


Levantos  on maj 30th, 2008

Really beautiful video Knup :)

Knuspar  on juni 26th, 2008

Yearh, it is. And its true to the eye, so its excatly what i looked like. Its basically like beeing there live on Discovery Channel :)