Just Another Blog

Vista, widescreen and speakers!

marts 9th, 2007. Published under Hardware, Software. 1 Comment.

I finally got Windows Vista installed, actually i did that last Friday. I just have not had the chance (read time) to write anything more than one line, so i decided not to. Vista, well i guess you could write several pages on first impressions, thoughts and suggestions to changes… if you wanted to, I wont, simply because i actually like it. The only problem i have had with it so far was when i was trying to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.

I went to and downloaded the 32bit Vista version of the adobe acrobat reader version 8 and tried to install it, i kept getting the error about my temp file was either full or i did not have the correct permissions. I even tried running the file as an administrator on my 72 GB system drive with 55 GB free disk space, without any luck. I ended up copying the files the installer temporarily unpacked (and again removed when pressing OK to the error screen) to another drive, and ran it from there. And suddenly there were no problems, it just worked…

My good old faithful HP L1925 19″ monitor had to leave the party .. at least so i decided :) I did not know which one to buy next, until i came to think about whenever i saw some of my friends having wide screen monitors, i kind of envied them. At the same time, i was a bit cheap as in, i wanted the best, but did not want to pay the price. So i read around a bit and ended up looking at the Samsung 226BW, which is a 22″ wide screen monitor thats pretty much just .. brilliant!

I also decided, that since i know have such a nice monitor, and i just cleaned a bit up in my office/computer room. I needed some nice sound system so i can enjoy watching DVDs on my wide screen monitor (while the girlfriend camps the TV for just another reality show) with some really descent sound, instead of having my Sennheiser P160 headphones glued to my ears all the time. I decided to order the Creative Inspire T6060 system, which according to Klavs, should be worth every cent :)

One Comment

Betrayal  on marts 9th, 2007

^^ Now you only need TBC and ur set to go!