Just Another Blog

Archive for december, 2006

Christmas is over!

december 27th, 2006. Published under Friends, Hardware, Software. No Comments.

Yes, its true, its over :) Presents was okay i guess, actually just got money to buy a new digital camera for the Thailand trip. Don’t know if we should go for the Canon IXUS 65 or another one. Anyways im back at work, have 3 days with 12 hours of work before its weekend once again.

Something good happend today though, a few weeks ago a friend told me he ordered a new wheel for hes PC, and i could buy hes old one. So today, i got the Logitech MOMO Racing wheel set, and on top, the nice fellow decided to give me a copy of the game RACE, which he helped beta test ( hes even in the credits in the game :) ) What a mate :D

Dead or Alive ..

december 16th, 2006. Published under Movies. No Comments.

last night, when i came home from work, i decided to put my ftp in to use, and grabbed the movie DOA: Dead Or Alive. I was not 100% sure what to expect, i guess i assumed it would be a animated movie with tits all over! Since, i know the Dead or Alive game series from Xbox. Which is a pretty descent fighting game. Based on that i guessed it would be a fighting movie, and it was.

I cant say i was disappointed, but i did not get surprised that much either :) It turned out to be a fairly good action movie with lots of skin and nice special effects. Some of the special effects were kind of crappy, but i guess its always like that. If its worth watching? Don’t know really .. took me 15 minutes to leech it from a FTP, so cant say i wasted anything but time i guess =)

Weekend is closing in ..

december 15th, 2006. Published under Hardware, Movies. No Comments.

And i am currently at work, for another 5 hours anyways. Last night, after i came home from work, i booted up my old FTP server, its actually been a while since it was booted, and apparently a 200GB HDD was almost dead. Recovered most of the data though, and started cleaning up my DiVX section.

Going to the cinema tomorrow to watch Eragon with my brother. Don’t know what to expect, from what i know it involves dragons :) I prefer not to know too much, that way i rarely get disappointed when i watch movies.

Today theres 6 weeks will the girlfriend and me takes off towards Thailand.