Just Another Blog

Thermalright Ultra-120

april 13th, 2007. Published under Hardware. No Comments.

Well, in short, i decided to go to a more silent way of cooling my CPU, since my old intel stock fan startede making quite a bit of noise when i fully used my CPU.

Anyways, i ordred a Ultra-120 from since no danish retail stores had any home at the moment. Below youll find some pictures from the installment :)

So .. was it worth the money? Indeed .. the 19db from the Papst is nothing compared to the 45db or so the intel stock fan could produce. Also the idle temprature for the intel stock cooler was around 47 degrees celcius, now its more like 38. And working temprature with a closed case ( no air ventilation in it at all atm.=/ ) is still lower than the intel stock ever was :) Im very happy with it :)