Just Another Blog

Archive for oktober, 2007

A small update

oktober 24th, 2007. Published under Hardware, Software, Work. No Comments.

A little summarization from the past days;

I got some new hardware form my stationary PC, and added some more HD space to my server. I still need to get myself a new and insane graphics card for my stationary, but that will have to wait for now.

I finally got around to updating word press, which is the foundation of my homepage/blog here. Its now version 2.3, but it appears to have lots of bugs, so i will update to a 2.3.x something beta shortly i think, because some of the bugs sound a bit serious :)

I started taking my drivers license ( at age 29, i would say its about time :)) however, i will stick with the theory until i can walk again. I’m currently still immobilized because of that damn ankle damage. Perhaps i should check with my doctor, after all, its been 4 weeks since it happened.

I’m still in a learning phase at my new job, but i really like it. I think the job suits me nothing less than perfect, so I’m very glad i took the change :)

On a side note, theres now only 3 months left till our baby is due ;)

Home from Tunisia

oktober 11th, 2007. Published under Vacation, Work. No Comments.

Actually, this is a cheating post, written 19th October, but i came home 11th, just haven’t had the energy to update the blog =/

Long story short, relaxation vacation in Tunisia with my regnant girlfriend, and me with a sprained ankle. 6 days by the pool just to sum it up :D

So, im full of energy and thrilled actually, to get back to work again, i just wish my ankle was normal :(

Enjoy a few pictures from the place :)

New cell phone!

oktober 3rd, 2007. Published under Hardware. No Comments.

Just before we are leaving for Tunisia, i decided to order a new cell phone. My old trusted W800i have served me well, but the connectors from the phone to the headset and the charged have been worn down. So i have to keep it pushed in manually for it to have connection.

Pretty annoying, and so i ordered a W660i from Telmore. Pretty much the same phone, just with another color, but same functionality. This uses another memory card than the old phone though, and it also has 3G. I should be here when i come home from my vacation next Thursday :)