Just Another Blog

Archive for januar, 2009

I am now a house owner

januar 19th, 2009. Published under House, Kids. No Comments.

actually, my girlfriend and I are house owners, and what a feeling =)

After selling our apartment early January, we  decided to get down to business. For almost a year, we have had our eyes out for what houses were on the market, so it wasn’t that hard finding the right  house.

What was hard though, was convincing the sellers that they should accept a loss when selling. We ourselves had the same “problem” when we sold our apartment. We “got away” with a minimal loss though. The ones were buying the house from did not ;) They were looking at another house as well, which they bargained down as well. So three happy couples were made during this trade.

We knew we were looking for a house in the, more or less, perfect surroundings for our children to grow up in, as of now we only have one daughter. We also looked for a house that would require minimal work before moving in, and we also wanted everything to be as new as possible.

We found the house, a bit overpriced for us, but we decided to make a shamefully low offer, which was declined, we did that twice, raising it a bit each time off course. And eventually we reached a price that suddenly awoke the interest of the real estate agent. And within a week, he had convinced the sellers to sell for our low price, and he then helped them get a bargain on what they wanted as well.

The pictures from the house, as they looked on the real estate agents homepage can be found below. I made my own mock up of a detail plan for the house, since the house werent for sale that long, they never got around to making one them selves :)

Anyways, here it is. Enjoy =)

Disneyland After Dark

januar 15th, 2009. Published under Concerts, Friends. No Comments.

or probably just as well know as DAD, at least here in Denmark. Anyway, I have been invited by a friend to come see them in Randers Arena, and so by god we will =) January 31st is the night its gonna happen, and I’m so looking forward to it. It far from the first time i have experienced them, countless times at Grøn koncert and on two occasions at company parties during my employment with TDC A/S as well.

Meanwhile, this is also my personal tribute to a great concept called Deezer, where you can listen legally to a lot of music at ones request.

Were off for a hectic start

januar 13th, 2009. Published under Friends, Hardware. No Comments.

in 2009 it would seem. Like i wrote in the previous post, we sold our apartment in Risskov. And were preparing to move to a house. The thing is though, the house is around 70 km away.

So just as were moving house, were moving our daughter from one daycare center to another as well. That will most likely be a tough move for her, but its for her good in the long run anyways. It will be such much better in time when she starts wanting to run around, we will actually have our own garden instead of a concrete balcony.

During the past week i also changed my hosting setup a bit, i used to host my blog, and every other web page i host, on my own server here @home on my DSL. But as were about to move, and i have no clue how long i will be offline, i decided to “outsource” all my hosting, and searching for a web host i found this absolute pearl called great concept that suits my needs perfectly.

As for my mail server, which is the same physical server, its not so movable as a hosted exchange server costs a freaking fortune. So i might end up either temporary using the mail ability on the gigahost solution, or accept a friends offer to have my server put on a fiber connection for the time being. I haven’t decided on that yet.