Just Another Blog

Archive for maj, 2007


maj 30th, 2007. Published under Diving, Friends, Vacation. No Comments.

Ever since i was in Turkey, sometime in 2004, where i for the first time tried SCUBA diving, i have been more or less obsessed with the thought of diving. February 2007, whilst being in Thailand, my dream came through, i dived around the national park on Phi Phi Ley in Thailand, and became a certified PADI Open Water Diver. This was most likely the most thrilling experience i ever had in my life, at the time being ( now its the though of beeing a father ), therefor i guess its natural to do some more of it :)

A while ago a friend of mine, whom i was roadtripping the US with in 2004, asked me if i wanted to come dive in Egypt later this year. I think it was about the same time as i talked with him about going to US in 2008 to dive actually. Anyways, he asked, and i was extremely thrilled about it. Now, that’s just one step closer, i asked another god friend of mine if he wanted to come along, since at this time we were 3 guys, and when diving you need to be paired, since you always have a buddy, and he did :)

So, i booked the trip yesterday, and payed the deposit, and today i went to a local dive shop called Quatre Force Diving here in Aarhus and bought a mask, fins and a snorkel as well. Plus some other mask for free diving, since i also have taken a interest in underwater hunting ( snorkeling, and then diving with one breath of air, armed with a speargun ). I simply cannot wait to get going. I ordered some gear ( weight belt etc. ) over the internet, which should arrive Friday, and perhaps i can get to test it during the weekend :)

Also, im curently considering taking the Advanced Open Water Diver course with PADI as well.

Im gonna be a dad!

maj 28th, 2007. Published under Kids. 4 Comments.

What an amazing thought to send through your brain :) I now know the exact feeling :) Tuesday 22nd may, my girlfriend took the test, to see whether or not she was pregnant, we have been trying semi-seriously since December 2006. The test showed two lines, which means shes pregnant. She went to our doctor Thursday 24th may and he confirmed it, and calculated her to be approximately 7 weeks ahead in the pregnancy, which should mean that sometime in January 2008, we will become parents :)

Samsung 37″ installed!

maj 24th, 2007. Published under Hardware, Movies. No Comments.

Damn .. that took longer than expected!

Anyways, i got the screen last night, but was on the way out the door to visit some friends, so i just received the package, and today as i got home from work i unwrapped it, to mount it with the wall mount i bought as well.

It was quite unhandy since i was basically doing it alone, and the fear of bumping into something while juggling with the 37″ while removing screws from the foot it came mounted with, made it take a bit longer than needed.

However, as I got the holes drilled ( in our insanely fortified concrete wall! ), it was cake really, theres not much room to get my hands behind the screen, but since thats not somewhere you want to be all the time, plus the fact i prefer it as close to the wall as possible, thats just fine :)

As i assumed i was done, and had the screen positioned just as i wanted to, my girlfriend decided to look away from the old 28″ CRT TV she was watching reality crap on, and comment on the positioning. And could i have placed it correctly at all? I don’t think so, she told me it was 15 centimeters too high, so i had to pull down the whole damn thing, and put it back up after drilling more holes and cursing and swearing even more =/

But NOW its perfectly fitted :) Now i just need to get some proper lengthen antenna cable, and some cable trays so it can look nice and tidy :)

Below are some pictures from the installation!