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Tag Archives: battlefield

Battlefield 3 Will NOT be on STEAM!

august 6th, 2011. Published under Gaming. No Comments.

Official EA sources say: NO BF3 on STEAM

The twitter message says it all. BF3 wont be on STEAM!

Its a purely buisness oriented if you ask me. EA/DICE desgined it with the purpose to “break” Valve/Steams guidelines so they would have a legit public reason to not put it on steam. Im not, like others, saying they did it to be a Origin exclusive, because its not, its on D”D and other DD services as well.

I hope that some of the many guys i have spoken too stand by their desicion not to buy the game, but if most are die hard BF fans like my self, they will have to choose wisely, they shoould preorder the game as a hardcopy instead of on Origin to make a statement, again this is easy said, as I my self have ordered it on Origin for two reasons, one, i refuse to have hard copys in the year 2011, and reason number two, i need my BF fix so i wanna join the BETA.

For more in detail information, read the full blog post by EA, that can be done here.

Battlefield 3 Alpha Test Part 3

august 1st, 2011. Published under Gaming. 2 Comments.

The Battlefield 3 Alpha test has ended, with that the site was taken down as well.
They got loads of feedback from most participants.

It was a pleasure while it lasted, and eventhough its only hours ago, I already crave more BF3 blood! I hope they leave friends added in battlelog stay connected, once it opens ago for the open beta, as well as when the final game is released :)

Seems lige 25th october 2011 is a VERY long time away. Then again, the open beta thats coming later this summer/early fall will hopefully take of the edge ;)

I asked a DICE guy early this morning, when they were going to shut down the alpha, and this is what he replied.

DiceLidgren Chat from Battlelog

Battlefield 3 Alpha Test Part 2

juli 30th, 2011. Published under Gaming, Video. No Comments.

So, the Alpha test have been underway for some days now, however theres still a NDA in effect.

However, that does not forbid me to say that its a bit slow progress in the stage of fixing things. The Alpha is suppose to end august 1. and then, afaik, they will take all the input they got and prepare for open beta later this year.

There has been a bunch of small bugfixes, but again, the purpose of this closed Alpha is to test server side things.

Theres a few things suggested thats not currently in the alpha, that are kind of need to have if you ask me. The biggest thing is that there would have to be several gamemode, like casual/normal/hardcore, so it would be a crowd please no where you looked.

Time will tell, till then enjoy this official FPS montage of metro station maps in rush mode. The only map and mode currently in the alpha.